Areas of Practice

If you are facing a family law issue, contact Storie Family Law to schedule your initial consultation to determine how we can best help meet your needs.


Whether married for five years or fifty years, the divorce process can be difficult. We can guide you through the grounds for divorce and the relief you may seek related to custody, support, and property division, and strategize on how to achieve the outcome that best suits you. A resolution in a divorce case can be reached either through litigation or a negotiated settlement. Storie Family Law provides strong advocacy to its clients regardless of the path the divorce process takes.

Custody & Visitation

The Court’s priority is the best interest of the children. If you are seeking to establish or modify the custodial arrangement with your co-parent, Storie Family Law will advise you as to the best interest factors the Court will consider, and how to gather the information needed for that determination. We will look to achieve Parenting Plans that meet the individual needs of your family.

Financial Support

Child Support and Spousal Support are often essential components of a divorce or custody case, or may be standalone matters to address on a modification. We will gather the necessary financial information to calculate the support obligation that is appropriate for your case. Establishing or modifying a support obligation can often be complex, and Storie Family Law is experienced in navigating the statutory guidelines and case law to discuss with you the potential financial support obligation.

Marital Property

Maryland is an equitable distribution state. We will apply the law of determining what is marital vs. nonmarital property, how it is titled, its value, and what disposition thereof, and any related monetary award, is appropriate. The valuation of marital property can often involve the use of additional experts, such as real estate appraisers, business valuation experts and accountants, and Storie Family Law will work closely with those experts to gather the information necessary regarding your and your spouse’s assets.


Storie Family Law is experienced in the drafting of not only Marital Settlement Agreements related to divorce matters, but also Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements for those looking to resolve property and financial issues that may arise in the event of death or divorce before or shortly after the marriage ceremony takes place. Parenting Plans are also drafted for co-parents who have been able to resolve custody arrangements for their children.


Alaina Storie is qualified to mediate both custody and property matters in family law. Mediation is a confidential process, whereby settlement discussions are facilitated by Ms. Storie between the parties, either with or without their respective counsel present. An agreement will be drafted in the event a partial or final resolution is reached.

Parent Coordination

Alaina Storie is a trained Parent Coordinator. A Parent Coordinator is selected by the parties or appointed by the Court in order to assist parents, mainly in high conflict cases, in developing a custody and visitation plan and to resolve disputes over current Court Orders and Parenting Plans.

Child's Counsel

Alaina Storie is trained to represent children in pending divorce and custody matters. She is selected through court appointment or agreement of the parties and their counsel. Her role may be 1) limited to waiving or asserting a child’s privilege with a mental health professional; 2) representing to the Court what is in the best interest of the children; or 3) advocating for the child’s preference if the child is deemed mature enough to make decisions for themselves.

Collaborative Law

The Collaborative Model is an alternative to protracted litigation. It offers spouses solution-based approaches to ending a marriage. In this process, the couple works with a collaborative team, having face to face discussions with one another; pledges in writing not to go to court; and engages in non-adversarial problem-solving with the assistance of trained professionals.